Introducing Nym Squad League : Dawn of the Nymja
Kickstarting four seasons of bounties, missions and campaigns to bring strong privacy to the world, so roll up your sleeves and get ready
In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital realm, a clandestine force known as the Nymjas has emerged, weaving through the intricate web of the internet with a singular purpose — to safeguard the privacy of individuals worldwide.
These enigmatic figures, reminiscent of ancient ninjas, are not bound by the shadows but instead thrive in the decentralised expanse of Web3.
In the lore of the Nymja, these digital guardians are dedicated to maintaining a network of mixnodes, ensuring the protective veil of privacy is cast over the entire internet, enabling privacy for all of humanity.
Nym is a powerful privacy system bringing network level privacy to the entire internet. What makes Nym powerful is the fact that it is decentralised. And what makes it decentralised is the Nym community of operators, stakers and creators. Last year saw thousands of people join Nym community channels across the world and more than 40 new squads created — led by an emerging collective of Nymjas.
Now is when the community becomes stronger, more decentralised and more independent. Now is the time of Nymjas.
Welcome to the Nym Squad League, Season 0: Dawn of the Nymja!
What is Nym Squad League?
Once initiated into the way of the Nymja one does not exist in solitude; Nymjas unite in a seasonal gathering, a vibrant pulse of the Nym Squad League.
The Nym Squad League gathers Nymjas and their squads into seasonal missions to propel the success of the overall mission: to enable privacy for all of humanity.
This is not a conventional competition, but a collaborative exhibition of skill, artful dedication and innovation, where Nymjas compare notes, exchange strategies, and celebrate the collective progress made in fortifying the digital bastions of privacy.
Here’s how it works:
- At the beginning of each Season, a set of Missions are announced that align with the goals of Nym for that quarter. The first season is for Nymja and Shinobi only.
- People who have been active in the Nym community can already register as a Nymster! Starting with Season 1 (April 2024), Nymsters will get to compete for a dedicated prize pool by acing challenges, completing quests and achievements, contributing to seasonal objectives, and more.
- If they prove their skills, Nymsters will be invited to become a Nymja, giving them the ability to complete Missions and access to rolling contracts, for example running community channels.
- Outstanding Nymjas might be invited to join the innermost circle: the Shinobi. These are Nym community experts, more knowledgeable at times than even the core team. Shinobi run programmes and have priority access to the Nym Innovation Fund.
- At the end of each Season, the Squad Wealth Fund distributes rewards to community members who have excelled at the Missions.

Dawn of the Nymja: Missions
Season 0: Dawn of the Nymjas has already begun, with Nymja and Shinobi having received their first missions via their Dojos already.
This season is dedicated to sharpening the tools of the core team and community to meet the demand for the upcoming NymVPN. From Brazil to Ukraine and beyond, Nymjas across the world are busy testing the NymVPN, providing feedback and getting their own operations ready ahead of the NymVPN alpha launch.
Next season will open the doors to n00bs and Nymsters alike, for rolling bounties and ways to learn about and contribute to global privacy.
Sounds great! How do I start?
In the world of anonymity, the crowd is your friend, especially when the crowd is united by a collective mission that requires the strength of a united force. The first thing you need to do is join the Nym channels:
- Discord (think of it as the town square with no privacy)
- Element (this is the Nym HQ with stronger privacy)
- Twitter (the Nym bulletin board)
Global Telegram channels:
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Once you have joined one of the Nym communities, here’s how you can progress and become a core contributor:
Nymster: constructive, entertaining and helpful activity in community channels, min 50 NYM token staked or bonded. If you meet these requirements, register here.
Nymja: you need to be recommended by two existing Nymjas or core team and have submitted outstanding proof-of-work in your Nymster missions.
Shinobi: by Nym Core Team invitation only.
Nym Squad League is beyond a competition. It symbolises a community of individuals bound by a common cause — the relentless pursuit of privacy in the digital age. As they engage in these virtual missions, the Nymjas weave a tapestry of collaboration and commitment, demonstrating that privacy loves company.
Friends, welcome to the Nym Squad League…
Hold up, what is the Squad Wealth Fund?
The Squad Wealth Fund is a pot of NYM tokens that will grow and shrink with the performance and usage of Nym. The mechanics are as follows:
- Every quarter, a new Nym Node Delegations Program begins, with official delegations going to high-performing nodes in key regions. This is to ensure good coverage and that new operators have a chance to get into the ‘active set’ of the mixnet, start mixing traffic and providing privacy.
- At the end of the quarter, staking rewards are redeemed and put into the Squad Wealth Fund to support the Nym Squad League missions that have been completed that season.
- Nym nodes in the delegation program are regularly assessed for performance, stake saturation and uptime. Completed (fully saturated) and underperforming nodes are removed on a rolling basis, refilled with queued high-quality Nym nodes.
The first round of delegations were made in January, with rewards being redeemed at the end of March to reward Nymjas and Shinobi missions.
Join the Nym Community
Discord // Telegram // Element // Twitter
Privacy loves company
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