Nym platform release 1.0.0 (and 1.0.1)

The Nym mainnet is now live, nodes are joining the network, and network participants are now able to use the mixnet for privacy preserving…

2 mins Read

The Nym mainnet is now live, nodes are joining the network, and network participants are now able to use the mixnet for privacy preserving applications and communications: the backbone of the new internet is there to integrate and use.

This post will walk through the Nym platform release 1.0.0 (&1.0.1). Any release that gets to version 1.0.0 is a cause to celebrate, and this is no different: the Nym network code can now stand on its own two legs after multiple testnets, and testing with over 5,000 participants!

As always, find the latest binaries here.

Full changelogs for updates can be found on our Github releases page.

Major updates in v1.0.0 include:

  • Substantial optimisations to the mixnode and vesting smart contracts.
  • The ‘lazification’ of node rewarding: users must now query the smart contract to get their rewards, reducing the running cost of the rewarding system.
  • The validator-api binary has been refactored, with API documentation coming soon.

v1.0.1 involved:

  • A minor patch to the validator client to fix an issue with transaction broadcasting timeouts by changing the default behaviour of the validator client to use broadcast_sync and poll for transaction inclusion instead of using broadcast_commit.
  • Added an API endpoint to the validator-api to query average mix node uptime.

Nym | Building the next generation of privacy infrastructure
_Inception Nym's inception in the fall of 2018 at the Binance Incubator program Fundraise and prototype 2.5M CHF…_nymtech.net


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