NymVPN app live with zero-knowledge accounts
Zk-nym infrastructure in place, and apps are live across all platforms
Nym promised a complete version of NymVPN by the end of 2024. And we are pleased to announce: the latest stable version of NymVPN v2024.12 will be released today, 12 December, for all major platforms, including Android and Windows.
The release enables zero-knowledge accounts, based on zk-nym anonymous credentials, across all apps to ensure that when users pay for a NymVPN, their personal information can never be linked to their usage of the app. Unlike any other VPN provider, this cutting-edge zero-knowledge technology prevents Nym Technologies from snitching on its users.
The next step is to turn payments on for users. However, NymVPN will still be free for anyone to use until early next year! So don’t miss your chance to get free zero-knowledge credentials for the world’s most anonymous network before commercial launch.
The release of the NymVPN app comes just in time for the winding down of the NYM token buyback. Over the past month, the company has been buying back NYM tokens, taking advantage of a historically low price point. This was a trial of what will become a continuous buyback mechanism once the NymVPN app requires subscription payments in January. This payment functionality will be demoed for institutions like venture capital firms next week and then the larger community for wider testing. Thus, over the next month we can expect the testing to continue to cause NYM token purchases using the algorithms designed during the buyback.
NymVPN v2024.12 also includes improved performance and security following the implementation of better state-based error-handling in November. Expect better and more stable connections, especially when switching between modes.
NymVPN will continue to be rigorously tested over the holidays to stabilize the app for commercial launch in January 2025. While beta payments are going live in the coming days, remember that NymVPN remains free to use. So sign up today to get one month free and help Nym test the world’s most anonymous network.
NymVPN v2024.11 is currently released for:
New NymVPN apps
The Android mobile app is now available in Google Play and will be available in F-droid in the coming days.
The Fast Mode with WireGuard has been successfully enabled on the Windows app which can now be used in beta. Note that this is the first Windows release, so expect bugs and help the dev team by reporting them here.
Zk-nyms (zero-knowledge access credentials) are the foundation of anonymous access with NymVPN: they ensure that you can access the Nym network with full anonymity, even from Nym itself! The infrastructure for zk-nyms is now in place and will begin issuance next week with the launch of beta payments.*
- For users still using an old ticketbook / credential, zk-nyms may not be active until a new credential is issued.
Account sign-up / sign-in flow
After the November release, there is a streamlined system for signing up for NymVPN and logging into the app from multiple devices.
- Create account on the nymvpn.com with a recovery phrase
- You will receive a free single month subscription of zk-nyms “ticket book” fair usage allowance (30 days/250gb) * on sign-up
- Use your recovery phrase to log into NymVPN on MacOS, Linux, mobile Android, or iOS (Windows coming next month)
- You can then add (up to 10) additional devices by logging in with the same recovery phrase
- Note that fair usage is now enforced from the centralized API based on the anonymous credential. Users can view their account plan fair usage summary.
DNS and ipv6 leaks
Currently, all leaks while connected with NymVPN are fixed. The Nym dev team is continuing its work in plugging all leaks that occur prior to connecting with the NymVPN app. Nym remains committed to not releasing a full commercial version of the app until all these risks are fully addressed. Work on leaks will continue until there are none left!
Crunch network update
The Nym network is also undergoing a major update to prepare the way for Nym tokenomics in which the value of the token is linked to the real usage of the NymVPN app. Payments for NymVPN subscriptions will trigger NYM buy orders, anonymizing the access of users while also creating a flywheel effect for the NYM token.
With crunch, operators will be able to choose the mode in which their node functions (as a gateway or mix node). There is also the inclusion of a new Network Monitor and mechanisms to remove outdated nodes to improve network performance.
Next stops: Beta payments and commercial launch
Beta payments & zk-nym issuance
The payment flow is in its final testing phase and will be made live early next week. Beta payments will include debit and credit cards (through Stripe), NYM, and BTC. These payments will be linked with zk-nym issuance on new credentials.
Note: The payment system is for beta testing purposes to trial the payment flow before commercial launch. NymVPN remains free to use for everyone.
Commercial launch
The commercial launch of NymVPN is scheduled for January 2025. The reason why the Nym team decided to hold the launch in 2025 is to maximize the marketing opportunities after the holiday season. This will ensure that the app gets into the hands of as many users as possible.

A full, stable, and leak-free NymVPN app for general use is just the beginning. In 2025 the app will be launched to market. This will be the beginning of Nym’s novel experiment in tokenomics in which the value of the token is linked to the concrete use of the NymVPN app.
And for app users, expect a lot of exciting upgrades as NymVPN comes into its own: kill switch and autoconnect features to prevent all leaks at the source, censorship resistance technology to permit access to blocked content, and post-quantum cryptography to protect your data against the AI and quantum computers of the future.
2025 will be a big year!
Table of contents
Keep Reading...
What is NymVPN? (and what makes it the most private VPN)
A guide to the world’s most private Virtual Private Network
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Turning a VPN no log’s policy into a network design and guarantee
Nym is more than a VPN
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