Testnet Participants’ Rewards

This post is for the many Nym testnet participants who have registered with the Nym Elephant

3 mins Read

This post is for the many Nym testnet participants who have registered with the Nym Elephant

At long last, the NYM public token sale is finally launching on CoinList! And thanks to Project Elephant, qualifying participants will receive free token rewards or can be added to “priority queue” for the CoinList public token sale!

The hitch? As a company based in Switzerland and regulated by Swiss law, Nym Technologies SA must KYC/AML participants first. Thus, if you do not go through the KYC/AML process, the law prevents us from distributing rewards to you, or adding you to the “priority queue”. CoinList will work with CMP in Switzerland, in order to make sure the applicable regulations are followed.

To proceed with the KYC/AML process, please look out for an email from contact@nymtech.net sent to the email address you registered with the Nym Elephant.

Note— this does not block you from running a node in Nym mainnet![1]

Here is what to expect, based on your testnet participation:

1) NYMPH testnet participants, you should hold on to your NYMPH tokens and stay tuned! Your rewards are safe.

2) Finney and Milhon testnet participants are added to the “priority queue” for the CoinList public offering subject to passing KYC/AML before February 6th 2022 23:59 UTC. You should have received an email from us to the email address that you registered with the Nym Elephant. The email subject line is “Priority Queue for NYM Token Sale”. Please make sure to check your spam in case the email has mistakenly gone in there!

3) Milhon testnet participants only qualify for token rewards subject to passing KYC/AML before February 20th 2022 23:59 UTC. You will receive an email from us to the email address you registered with Nym Elephant, with the subject line “NYM Testnet rewards” on the 2nd of February**.** Please make sure to check your spam in case the email has mistakenly gone in there!

We will be giving out 1% of the genesis, that is 10M NYM tokens, for rewards. The exact amount of NYM (with any lock-up) sent to each Milhon and NYMPH participant will be announced after CoinList registration is complete on February 22nd 2022, and once the total number of participants that pass KYC/AML is determined.

Key dates:

  • Register before February 6th 2022 23:59 UTC to join the priority queue.
  • The public sale starts on February 9th 2022, but the registration for testnet rewards for Milhon participants by CoinList will continue until February 20th 2022 23:59 UTC.
  • But note that testnet participants that register after February 6th 2022 23:59 UTC from the Milhon network testnet will not be able to join any “priority queue” as the sale will have started already.

It’s been a long journey for privacy over the last few years for both you and everyone else who is part of Nym, but we’re proud of your support and want you to succeed!

Thanks for participating in our testnet and helping end mass surveillance!

[1] — Usage of the network and joining the network at mainnet will not require going through CoinList. So if you do not wish to do so, simply do not. Alternative ways of obtaining NYM for usage and running a mix node will be available in the future.

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