Welcome to the Nym Delegators Program!
Congratulations to all the selected Nym mix nodes
Congratulations to all the selected Nym mix nodes

The Nym delegators program is commencing this week. The Nym treasury will delegate a stake of 200k NYM tokens to each of the selected mix nodes to boost their reputation in the mixnet. These delegations will remain until the nodes reach 70% saturation after which they will have built sufficient community reputation to independently continue providing high quality privacy services to the world.
After 6 weeks of application process, selection and interviews — and far far more very high quality submissions than expected! — 41 fantastic node operators from across the world have been selected for the program. This is nearly double the number that was initially intended for the program, simply due to the high interest and quality of applications.
Throughout the program these mix node operators will also enjoy mentorship of two of Nym’s finest and most experienced mix node operators:
Cgi-bin and Wunderbear will support with best practices and know-how to run outstanding mix nodes and attract community delegations.
I got selected, what happens next?
If you were selected, make sure to join the designated Element space before EOD Friday, June 9th. You will have received instructions via email.
Your delegations will be staked by EOD Monday, June 12th.
Over the next 2 weeks, you will get to know other operators in the program, your mentors, form teams and pitch contributions.
I applied but didn’t get selected — why?
Mix nodes were disqualified for the following reasons:
- Failing to meet one or more of the selection criteria. In most cases, this meant the mix node was not located in an underrepresented region.
- The mix node operator was not reachable (incorrect email address, no response).
This still left many eligible mix nodes! Which meant that 41 mix nodes were selected instead of the planned 25. When creating the shortlist, other factors were also considered, including:
- Testnet participation
- Community activity
- Shipyard Academy participation
Don’t get discouraged though — this is just the first cohort of the Nym Delegations Program and there will be others in the future.
In the meantime, learn about the Nym mission, join the brand new Node Operator Element channel, meet other community members — and make sure to apply again next time!
Final note
The overall goal is to improve quality and support further decentralisation of the Nym mixnet in terms of geography and VPS providers. The program is aimed at helping participants gain recognition in the community through their contributions.
This is the first iteration of the Nym Delegations Program. The impact on the mixnet and token economics will be monitored and changes will be made as necessary for any future cohorts (Such as the number of participants, delegation amounts, selection criteria, etc.)
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