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NymVPN's features

The technology that makes Nym more than a VPN


Choose your level of protection

Two decentralized VPN modes in one app.


Fast mode

A decentralized 2-hop mode for faster connections and less latency thanks to WireGuard. Ideal for protections in everyday browsing, streaming, and downloading.


Anonymous mode

Maximal anonymity thanks to Nym’s Noise Generating Mixnet. A 5-hop decentralized network with added noise to protect users against even AI surveillance. Ideal for messaging, email, and crypto transactions.

In-App Features

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Two modes

Choose maximal anonymity with the 5-hop NGM or faster connections with the decentralized 2-hop WireGuard mode.

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Choice of entry and exit locations

Select your own locations to enter and exit the Nym network. Soon you will even be able to choose your preferred node operator.

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10+ languages

App localizations in over 10 languages (and more on their way).

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Unlinkable payments

Your payment data cannot be linked to your NymVPN usage, allowing you to access our network anonymously.

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Split tunnelling

COMING SOON! Choose how to route your traffic for your apps or contacts: through either the NGM for maximal anonymity or the faster WireGuard mode.



Prevent data leaks by immediately suspending internet connection if the VPN connection temporarily drops.



Noise-generating mixnet (NGM)

The most anonymous network available. Explore how network noise can protect your traffic against all forms of network surveillance.

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Decentralized WireGuard

Fast connections without compromising on security thanks to a decentralized WireGuard network.

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Multi-layer encryption

Protect your data with 2 to 5-layers of encryption and advanced cryptographic primitive such as AES128, ChaCha20-Poly1305, and BLAKE2.



Anonymous credentials which permit access to the Nym network. Users can never have they payment details linked to their traffic.

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Key rotation, forward secrecy

COMING SOON! Keep your data confidential with the most sophisticated, cutting-edge cryptographic techniques.

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Censorship resistance

Bypass barriers to information access when you need it with AmneziaWG.

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Post-quantum cryptography

COMING SOON! Quantum-encrypt your data for long-term protection against the AI and super-computers of the future.


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Access blocked content

Bypass geo-restrictions to access streaming services, websites, or content unavailable in your region.


Unlinkable online activity

Prevent your IP addresses from being linked to what you do online or who you communicate with.

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zero-knowledge network

There is no point on the Nym network which can cannot your identity to what you do online, neither by Nym nor the nodes that route your traffic.

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Independent and incentivized operators

Servers are independently owned and operated and not centralized by a parent company (Nym Technologies). Node performance is incentivized by Nym tokenomics.

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Open source

Enjoy products developed in a transparent and collaborative manner, open to public contributions and scrutiny.

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World-class Team of privacy Experts

Benefit from the support of an elite team with PhDs, peer-reviewed research, and years of dedicated work in the fight for the right to online privacy.

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Swiss headquartered

Benefit from Swiss jurisdiction, legal compliance, and data-focused regulations for maximum protection.


Frequently asked questions

Most VPNs on the market are centralized infrastructures. This means that all of your data is trusted to servers owned and operated by a VPN company. If there are data leaks, malicious surveillance, or government subpoenas, your data will be located in one spot. NymVPN is designed on a zero-knowledge and decentralized network in which no one handling your data can connect you to what you do online, even if they tried! NymVPN takes trust out of the equation.

Yes, free VPNs are free because they make their money in ways that are at the detriment of their clients' privacy: selling traffic records to commercial third parties, installing targeted advertising into user browsing, and even installing tracker cookies on user browsers. This is not normal. Paying for a reputable, privacy-focused VPNs which is built by experts is can deliver the anonymity and protections against surveillance that these free services never will.

NymVPN is open source, which means that anyone can view, audit, and comment on the code of the software and network. This ensures public accountability and that the technology people are using is as safe, secure, and transparent as possible. With NymVPN, there are no backdoors, hidden trackers, or sleights of hand. The Nym network is also regularly audited by security firms to ensure the highest standards of protection.

Learn More


Nym is more than a VPN

The first app that protects you from AI surveillance thanks to a noise-generating mixnet

7 mins read

Why nymVPN Anonymous Mode provides the best privacy

Appreciating the value of technologically enhanced VPN privacy

8 mins read

Nym’s zero-knowledge network: No logging promises needed

Turning a VPN no log’s policy into a network design and guarantee

10 mins read

What is Wireguard VPN & how does it work?

How the fastest VPN encryption protocol available works

11 mins read

Introducing NymVPN

Experience the world’s most private VPN. Advanced privacy built for the age of AI, starting at $5.49 / month for up to 10 devices. Get NymVPN today and save up to 60%.

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