

Nym wallet v1.0.5 is out!

Nym components are continuously evolving to make it easier for all actors in the Nym ecosystem to contribute to and interact with the Nym…

5 mins read

Spacestation wallet now supports NYM!

Our good friends at Cosmostation have integrated the Nyx chain to the Mintscan explorer as well as the wallet.

3 mins read

Nym platform release 1.0.0 (and 1.0.1)

The Nym mainnet is now live, nodes are joining the network, and network participants are now able to use the mixnet for privacy preserving…

2 mins read

Introducing a first round of grantees and the upcoming ‘Nym Innovation Fund’

Nym is part of a much broader privacy ecosystem. We want to make sure that the ecosystem remains healthy and growing, ensuring privacy as a…

3 mins read

Staking in Nym — introducing mainnet mixmining

The Nym mainnet reward sharing scheme is about to be activated. In the Nym mixnet, mix nodes are rewarded for mixing packets, performing…

17 mins read
9 mins read

Nym wallet version 1.0.2 is out!

The Nym wallet is the interface to the Nym privacy system. Use it to keep your tokens, bond a node into Nym mainnet or Sandbox testnet, or…

3 mins read
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Introducing the NYM token

The NYM token now exists on mainnet and is officially approved for a public launch! The token is an essential component to the Nym…

8 mins read


Advanced privacy built for the age of AI

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