Nym Delegations Program 2.0: Rolling registrations now open

The next generation of the Nym Delegations Program is here!

5 mins Read

A mixnet can only deliver advanced privacy for users if the nodes supporting it perform well.

The Nym Delegations Program was designed to incentivize node performance and to ensure that rewards flow back to its community service providers. Moreover, nodes should ideally be geographically dispersed, which can be facilitated by token incentives for operators in underrepresented regions.

Reliable nodes with outstanding performance can receive delegations from the Nym treasury. This will help new nodes make it to the active set more often and turn a profit faster, while also providing network-wide incentives for geographical and VPS decentralization, quality of service, and fair node parameters.

Since its launch a year ago, the program has evolved. With the recent launch of the Squad Wealth Fund, it is now driving decentralization and funding for community contributions. The current delegation amount is 250k NYM per node, with a total of 32m NYM available from the Nym treasury for the Delegations Program.

As of today, the Delegations Program is open again for registration. The big change is that this application process will remain open with a rolling deadline. Below are all the details of the new system and the important changes you need to know about if you are a node operator, delegate, or looking to become one.


There are no more registration forms or deadlines. Registration will remain open continuously via the new custom-built interface (courtesy of Pawnflake and ExploreNym). Please register your node here.

Important: If your node already received delegations earlier, you need to re-register it before the 30th of May. Otherwise you will lose your delegations and have to rejoin the queue.

Queueing system

There is a limited number of nodes that the Delegations Program can support at any one same time. By registering your node, you add it to the queue. As soon as there is a free slot available, the queue will fill the vacancy automatically. There is no need to register again.

Queue priority

While the queue order is technically first-come, first-serve, nodes may be prioritized for specific reasons related to the needs of the overall network. This may include:

  • Nodes operated by squads or community contributors
  • Nodes with exceptionally robust hardware specifications
  • Nodes with favorable parameters
  • Nodes located in countries with few other nodes
  • Nodes for social good

In some cases, nodes might be deprioritized if they are:

  • Located in countries with many other nodes
  • Running on common VPS providers

Keep in mind that these rules are not set in stone. Prioritization will evolve over time and will be informed by the needs of the community and the network on an ongoing basis. Nym is always eager to hear your feedback on the process, its community impact, and governance.


You can access the most current criteria at any time on the registration page.

Nym delegation criteria

Hardware specifications

Note that with the most recent binary release, the required minimum hardware specifications have changed. The new specs are:

  • CPU: 4 cores
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Storage: 40 GB
  • Connectivity: IPv4, IPv6, TCP/IP, UDP
  • Bandwidth: 1 Tb
  • Port speed: 1 Gbps

Important: All nodes now must meet these minimum specifications. If your node already received delegations but doesn’t meet these specs, make sure to address the issue before 30 May 2024, otherwise you may lose your delegations.

Updates related to the Delegations Program are relevant to the entire node operator community, and there is a lot to learn from the program mentors and its participants. We are thus sunsetting a private Matrix space reserved for Delegations Program participants: all program-related communications will be shared publicly on the Node Operators channel of the Nym Community Matrix server. This will include:

  • Weekly queue status, including priority changes
  • Actions taken and explanations related to delegation, undelegation, and removal from the program
  • Changes to program criteria (also updated in real time on the registration page)
  • Changes to prioritization rules, such as preferred/unpreferred countries

Changes in mentorship

In tandem with all public communications, the NSL grant for Delegations Program mentorship also evolves into node operator mentorship. Mentors will help all node operators and be responsible for:

  • Staying on top of the releases, news, and documentation of binaries
  • Looking after the node operator channels and helping others with technical issues and questions
  • Assisting the community with questions related to the delegations program

Looking forward

The coming months are going to be a busy and exciting time for the Nym community as Nym alpha tests NymVPN for market launch, which is the first commercial product to run on the Nym mixnet. For this privacy tool to work, the Nym network of node operators needs to grow in a decentralized and dispersed way. But most importantly, Nym wants this growth to be organic and well-incentivized for nodes, both paying back and encouraging the community to produce quality service.

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