Nym platform v1.0.2 and Nym wallet v1.0.8 are out!

New versions of the Nym wallet and all other Nym platform binaries are out.

4 mins Read

New versions of the Nym wallet and all other Nym platform binaries are out.

You can download the latest version of the wallet and all system binaries from the website.

Nym software is open source, unpermissioned and can be forked by anyone wishing to extend functionality.

For an extensive list of new platform changes and releases please check the change log.

In this post we will go through the new wallet and the explorer features that include:

  • better overview of the bonded node for node operators
  • compound and redeem functions for operator rewards
  • filters on the explorer to make it easier for delegators to select good nodes

Let’s go through each new feature.

1. Better overview of your bonded node

Bonding is the act of registering a node in the Nym system by putting up some NYM tokens as stake on that node. Node operators bond a mix node or a gateway into the Nym mixnet. Bonding can be done using the CLI tool or via the Bonding section of the wallet.

If you are new to the Nym system and want to run a node follow the instructions on the docs or watch this video on how to bond your node. To know more about Nym’s different node types read this.

Once your node is successfully bonded and is running you can see the information about it in the new bonding screen as below. Here is where most of the new features in this version of the wallet are. We will be adding more node stats and settings to this page as we go along.

2. Compound and Redeem your rewards from the wallet

Operators can now redeem and compound their node rewards using the action menu shown with 3 dots on the right edge of the bonding table (as shown below).

This is what each of the actions in the action menu does:

Redeem: Redeem the rewards you have accrued by running your node and transfer the amount to your account balance.

Compound: In order to get compounded rewards for your node, you will need to compound your rewards manually using this button.

Unbond: Unbond to remove your node from the network.

Note that all of the above actions require some tiny amount of NYMs to pay for transaction fees. Make sure you always have some NYMs left in your balance to be able to pay for fees.

2. Filters on the explorer to select nodes to delegate to

If you hold NYM tokens, you can delegate your tokens to mix nodes operating the mixnet. This boosts the node’s reputation and increases the chances of being in the active set. In return you will earn a share of the rewards the node receives for providing privacy.

To find a mix node to delegate to, you can now filter them on the Nym network explorer, using Advanced Filters on the top right corner.

Filter the nodes based on different parameters i.e Stake Saturation, Profit Margin, and Routing Score to narrow them down based on your preferred criteria. You can also browse the delegators channel in the Nym Discord to find good nodes for delegating stake to.

Once you have selected your preferred mix node(s), use the wallet to delegate to them. You can do this under the Delegation section of the wallet by clicking on the “Delegate” button (shown below). Copy the node’s identity key from the explorer and the amount you want to delegate, paste in the delegation window and you are done.

This sums up the new features of this release. As always if you have any questions or suggestions please reach us on Discord or Telegram.

Until next time — happy bonding and delegating!

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