No matter who wins: NymVPN is free for the next month to fight for freedom
Statement from Harry Halpin, CEO, to you, the world
There’s been a lot of discussion and worry worldwide over the coming results of the U.S. election. But no matter if Trump or Harris wins, one thing is certain: surveillance and oppression at the hands of increasingly authoritarian governments will continue to rise.
Nym exists to support freedom fighters in the United States and across the world, so Nym is offering a 30 day free pass over the next month to anyone who wants to protect their privacy online. Whatever your political situation is, protecting your privacy and data online matters, and few tools these days can do something to help. Nym offers more: a decentralized network built for the age of AI-powered surveillance.
Getting NymVPN
To take advantage of the 30 day free trial, all you need to do is download NymVPN directly from Nym’s site with a free and immediate access credential.
But Nym recognizes that getting genuine privacy into people’s hands requires using all available routes, so Nym will also be launching a full version of NymVPN in Apple Store, Google Play, and F-Froid this month. While Big Tech companies like Apple and Google are problematic as some of the major data harvesters, we consider this necessary to defend activists, independent journalists, and ordinary citizens by offering a fully decentralized VPN with an Anonymous Mode that can defend against state-level surveillance, even from the US government.
NymVPN is the only kind of VPN that can defend against the American government’s National Security Agency which can capture and analyze every internet connection using AI to detect exactly what website someone is visiting. Nym counteracts this by adding so much noise to the network that your signals and pattern can’t be discerned: not by governments, data brokers, or passive adversaries.
NymVPN stable release
As the CEO of Nym Technologies, I will be presenting a full and stable version of NymVPN on November 12th at DevCon in Bangkok, at the “Centralized VPNs are Scams and What to do About it” talk, and then on November 13th at Web Summit in Lisbon with Chelsea Manning, which will also include a press conference to train journalists in how to defend themselves online.
This stable version will also introduce the zk-nym anonymous credential system in the lead up to the launch of payments in December. Note that while NymVPN is stable, there may still be errors and bugs to be fixed in the next month as the decentralized Nym network has never handled large amounts of traffic. All of your help using the app will go a long way to improving it in the coming months.
NYM and NymVPN
In order to have more rewards for high-performing network nodes and optimize the algorithms that convert fiat to NYM, more NYM tokens have to be purchased before payments are turned on in December. The details of this NYM token buyback will be announced tomorrow, 5 November 2024. A smart contract upgrade will also be done to reward gateways this month.
Remember, the value of NYM is concretely linked to the use and success of NymVPN. The more users subscribe to use the app in their currency of choice, the more NYM buy orders will be triggered.
The NymVPN will then have payments turned on in December before Christmas. NymVPN will accept fiat (including credit cards), Bitcoin, Monero, and — of course! — NYM tokens. All payments will then be converted to NYM token buy orders on the open market. All payments will then result in a zero-knowledge proof, a zk-nym, that will unlink the payment of NymVPN from their use. Payments for a month to make sure the payment system can handle high-capacity.
In the meantime, keep your heads high, and your data protected. Remember, remember the 5th of November!
– Harry Halpin, CEO of Nym Technologies
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