Sprint to launch: Nov. 15 dev update

Preparing for latest release of NymVPN and breaking network changes next week

3 mins Read

The Nym team had big successes in showcasing NymVPN to the world at DevCon in Bangkok and Web Summit in Lisbon this week! And behind the scenes, the dev team has been buckling down to prepare the new network and app releases coming next week. Don’t forget, this is all in lead up to the two big things:

  • December 2024: Early bird access to the robust NymVPN app with payments!
  • January 2025: The official launch of NymVPN to the world, at a symbolic time when it needs a real paradigm shift in online privacy

Here’s the full timeline for NymVPN finishing out 2024. Stay tuned for details next week on the launch of zk-nym credentials, the newest releases, and some breaking changes for node operators.

Remember, NymVPN Beta is still open and free to use, so sign up today and instantly receive a free 30-day access voucher. Nym needs your testing, testing, testing!


The big focus has been preparing next week’s stable release of NymVPN and making sure it is as widely available as possible to download.

New NymVPN releases coming next week

Apps releases were paused to ensure stability during DevCon and WebSummit this week. The next NymVPN app release is scheduled for Thursday, 21 November following the Magura network release on Monday, 18 November.

NymVPN in Apple Store

NymVPN is now available in Apple Store!

The Nym Network

The team has been steadfastly preparing for the latest Magura network release. This will include some breaking changes, so node operators take note!

Magura release coming Monday

The next network release “Magura” is scheduled for Monday, 18 November. This release will contain several breaking changes, including changes to the reward scheme to include gateways in the reward algorithm.

All operators must update!

All operators will need to run the latest Nym node binaries, enabling them to function in either mix node or gateway mode. On Monday, this will be v2024.13 Magura.

All operators will also need to have agreed to the Terms & Conditions in which they agree to not gather logs. Read more on Nym’s zero-knowledge network design that takes trust out of the equation for users.

In order for the Nym network to meet clients needs, all nodes need to be up to scratch. Nodes that do not meet these two conditions will be removed from the network.

Changes to operator rewards

The Nym reward pool will be divided across five layers of nodes rather than three to include gateway functions in the reward algorithm. Get the full briefing in last week’s Operator Town Hall.

New patch

Operators implemented a patch that went out for the Aero release. The patch improves connection reliability between dVPN clients and gateways. It fixes timeouts on the authenticator registration so connections with gateways that have updated to this patch version should now be more stable.

Until next week comrades! Of course, join our channels for more up to date information and live discussion with the core team!

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Experience the world’s most private VPN. Advanced privacy built for the age of AI, starting at $5.49 / month for up to 10 devices. Get NymVPN today and save up to 60%.

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