Welcoming new additions to the Nym team

Head of Marketing and two new devs joining the Nym privacy project

5 mins Read

New Head of Marketing will lead NymVPN into a growing market of users, and new devs will help optimize the performance of the app and network through its Beta phase and beyond.

Nym is excited to introduce the Nym community to three new team members, including a new Head of Marketing joining Nym from NordVPN.

As NymVPN enters its Beta testing phase in preparation for its full launch, it is crucial now more than ever to make sure the app is up to scratch. And it is equally important to make sure that Nym’s public image communicates the privacy-enabling power of its technology. The whole world deserves to finally have and understand the real tool we needs to protect our data against surveillance and misuse.

Meet Nym’s new Head of Marketing

First off, Nym is very excited to welcome Robinson Jardin to the Nym core team as Head of Marketing.

Before joining Nym, Rob spent four years at NordVPN as the Head of Digital & Social Media, which he helped scale to over 14 million users. Rob will play a crucial role in building Nym’s marketing team and launching NymVPN to the world. Privacy through a mixnet, remember, needs real scale.

Two things drew the Nym team to Rob. First, there is his experience in promoting a massively successful VPN product, and NordVPN needs no introduction. Second, Rob has a lifelong obsession with all things design, from popular advertising to 16th century tapestries. Every technology needs a good design. And Rob is well-positioned to give NymVPN the public image it deserves as the world’s most private VPN technology with unique aesthetic tastes.

The challenge that Rob will be tackling is how to get millions of ordinary people to realize that NymVPN solves a real world problem: being genuinely private online. By scaling client traffic through the mixnet, all users will essentially have more privacy: the larger the crowd, the greater the anonymity. Nym taking a note from NordVPN’s playbook also means changing the nature of the game.

As digital surveillance and threats grow, everyone in the world needs strong privacy protections more than ever. But few actually have it through available VPNs. Online privacy is a legitimate expectation, as Rob says, but unfortunately it’s not yet a reality. For Rob, NymVPN is one of the few real cybersecurity solutions that can be trusted because it does not involve trust by design.

Any groundbreaking product must do more than simply work: it also has to communicate to people what it does for them. And with Rob on board, Nym can really begin the work of communicating NymVPN’s global potential.

Don’t miss a chance to meet Rob and hear his strategies for Nym at the next Nym community live-stream tonight at 4:00 CET.

Meet Andrej Mihajlov, Lead Desktop Engineer

Also joining Nym as Lead Desktop Engineer is Andrej Mihajlov. Andrej brings a ton of VPN dev experience from his work as Lead Rust Engineer & Architect at Shiva VPN and Senior Engineer at Mullvad VPN. He has been instrumental in developing cross-platform VPN applications, reducing time to market, and managing top-level engineering teams worldwide.

Andrej also built a MVP for macOS/Windows in record time using a multi-process architecture, developed industry-leading robust VPN service processes and functionality, and integrated various OS using Rust and Swift.

For NymVPN to be an accessible tool, it needs to be widely compatible. Andrej’s technical expertise and trusted leadership will be crucial as the engineering team continues to innovate and enhance Nym’s desktop applications and overall user experience.

Meet Dinko Ždravac, Rust Engineer

Dinko Ždravac is also joining the dev team as the in-house Rust engineer and specialist. Dinko has extensive experience building and maintaining Docker micro-services in Rust, optimizing CI/CD pipelines, and developing scalable hosting solutions. He has worked with both banking and government clients, focusing on user asset protection and advanced cryptographic protocols.

Throughout his career, Dinko has bootstrapped and optimized Gitlab CI, reduced cloud costs through automatic deprovisioning, and developed secure micro-services with robust authentication flows.

Rust is integral to Nym’s infrastructure, offering memory safety and performance benefits critical for developing secure and efficient privacy technologies. Nym is thus very excited to work with Dinko and his expertise in machine learning, especially as threats from AI-powered data tracking advance quickly.

Rowing NymVPN forward

As NymVPN steers toward market, Nym is making sure that all the best hands are on deck, and that the ship is in state for the open seas. Privacy loves company, and we’re expanding the crowd one deck-hand at a time.

You can also be an important part of that, so check out the Nym community forum, learn how to run a node, alpha test the NymVPN, and at least drop in this afternoon to hear Rob’s plans for the marketing front of the voyage.

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Experience the world’s most private VPN. Advanced privacy built for the age of AI, starting at $5.49 / month for up to 10 devices. Get NymVPN today and save up to 60%.

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