Incentivising privacy: meet Prof Aggelos Kiayias, veteran cryptographer, cryptoeconomist and Nym…
Founding member of the Nym advisory board and veteran cryptographer Aggelos Kiayias will be joining Nym for a special Twitter Spaces…
You spoke, we listened: Nym transformed
The Nym core team is closing off the first half of 2023 with some exciting changes to the organisation. Over the past quarter, we have…
Privacy Loves Company — Welcome to the Nym Community!
A warm welcome to everyone who has recently joined our community. Nym community channels have grown by the thousands this past month!
Attention! Airdrop Campaign: $200,000 in NYM Token Prize Pool for Bybit Votes
Nym Technologies announces two exclusive airdrop campaigns for Bybit users, one of the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges.
Nym in Prague — the European hub of privacy
Advancing privacy across ecosystems at Prague blockchain week
Nym in Rio de Janeiro: putting privacy on the mainstage of WebSummit
Nym was at WebSummit in Rio this week, one of the world’s largest technology conferences. The team joined other innovators, thought leaders…
“Ethereum was never designed with privacy in mind”
A recap of the Nym core team contributions at ETHDenver