

Incentivising privacy: meet Prof Aggelos Kiayias, veteran cryptographer, cryptoeconomist and Nym…

Founding member of the Nym advisory board and veteran cryptographer Aggelos Kiayias will be joining Nym for a special Twitter Spaces…

5 mins read

You spoke, we listened: Nym transformed

The Nym core team is closing off the first half of 2023 with some exciting changes to the organisation. Over the past quarter, we have…

7 mins read

Privacy Loves Company — Welcome to the Nym Community!

A warm welcome to everyone who has recently joined our community. Nym community channels have grown by the thousands this past month!

5 mins read

Attention! Airdrop Campaign: $200,000 in NYM Token Prize Pool for Bybit Votes

Nym Technologies announces two exclusive airdrop campaigns for Bybit users, one of the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges.

6 mins read

Nym in Prague — the European hub of privacy

Advancing privacy across ecosystems at Prague blockchain week

3 mins read

In your own words

By Sudo, Nym Head of Community

6 mins read

Nym in Rio de Janeiro: putting privacy on the mainstage of WebSummit

Nym was at WebSummit in Rio this week, one of the world’s largest technology conferences. The team joined other innovators, thought leaders…

6 mins read

“Ethereum was never designed with privacy in mind”

A recap of the Nym core team contributions at ETHDenver

7 mins read


Advanced privacy built for the age of AI

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