Nym network now in 85+ countries and counting!

See Nym’s global reach with newly improved explorer

5 mins Read

As NymVPN steams through alpha and beta testing, the global network of operators powering the world’s most private VPN is growing.

The privacy of a VPN service depends on the strength and distribution of its network. Nym’s decentralized network is expanding to be ready for the coming demand of users of NymVPN, which will be the first commercial app to run on the Nym mixnet.

775 mixnodes are now being run in 88 countries around the world. To improve network performance, there have been important advancements in community governance, the Nym rewards system, and optimizing the active set of nodes. And new operators are joining the Nym community everyday.

Take a look at the current state and distribution of the network through the newly improved explorer tool. If you’re already running a node, check in on how you and the overall network are doing.

Why scaling the Nym network matters

The Nym network is made possible by the work of independent service providers. These are community members that believe in Nym’s privacy mission. Or maybe they are simply interested in Nym’s novel tokenomics which gives crypto a real world impact: incentivizing a self-sustaining privacy network.

With NymVPN running on the Nym mixnet, the whole world will be able to sign up for a truly decentralized privacy tool and have unprecedented protections for their traffic patterns.

But the level of privacy depends on the state of the network itself. The bigger and more distributed the network of mix nodes and gateways is, the faster and more accessible it will be for people around the world. And the bigger the crowd of traffic passing through the network, the more anonymous NymVPN users will be. Nym’s goal is thus scaling with demand for increased privacy returns for users.

The other importance for scaling is based on Nym’s tokenomic model: network operators running gateways and mixnodes can gain compensation for their service in providing privacy to millions of users. As usage picks up, the more rewards can be earned from the mixmining pool. The network will also grow fast on the operator front according to demand and available rewards.

Snapshot of the Nym network

While anyone can run a mixnode, only those with sufficient performance will be selected to be part of the active set which routes traffic through the Nym mixnet. And a lot of work by the Nym core team has gone into incentivizing improvements to the quality of node performance.

Nym has been working closely with the community this summer on quality of service, and the tight-knit community of 775 mixnodes has been very active in community governance initiatives to determine their own reward schemes. What Nym wants is actually coming to fruition: not just servers routing traffic, but a collective of service providers enabling a more private world.

Having a globally distributed network is crucial for both decentralized privacy and censorship resistance. There are currently operators running mixnodes and gateways in 88 countries worldwide. Take a look!

Orange represents the highest concentration of nodes, pink and white the medium respectively, and black countries without any current nodes.

88 is a good number, for now, but Nym needs to continue growing with your help. There are many people all over the world struggling with censorship, access to information, and extreme infringements on their privacy and personal wellbeing. Having active gateways in regions that are currently underrepresented in the Nym network is a crucial goal not just for the network, but for the world.

Improved explorer and harbour master

In the meantime, check out the latest improvements to the Nym explorer and harbour master tools for keeping up with the growth of the Nym network.

Harbour master received a facelift and now supports mixnodes as well as gateways. You can also get crucial information about the status of particular nodes, including configuration, binary version, and more. This is especially important for node operators to check if their nodes are up to the task and configured properly.

Grow the network, drone out the surveillance

Want to join the Nym community? Consider setting up your own node and participating in the Nym’s growing network. Nym community mentors will help you do so, as well as troubleshoot, keep up with new binary releases, and apply for/enter the Delegations Program when you are ready.

If you are already running a top notch node, apply for delegations via the Nym Delegations Program! 32m NYM are available from the Nym Treasury for this Summer Season. In particular, don’t lose a chance to earn NYM by referring new node operators through the Summer Delegations grants.

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