Nym Squad League: Welcome to the Fall Season

Get ready for the most important NSL season to date, with one particularly noisy mission

5 mins Read

With a dedicated treasury of over 1m NYM and grants up to 100k NYM, it’s time to kick off the third season of the Nym Squad League!

Ready to make some noise for online privacy? Nym needs your help more than ever. The launch of NymVPN is right around the corner, and this means testing the app as much as possible is crucial. That’s why the motto and core mission of this season is: Bring the noise! Together, let’s see how noisy the Nym network can get with all of our traffic.

Not yet using the free beta version of NymVPN? Sign up now for an instant credential to test the highly private Anonymous Mode and the Fast Mode powered by WireGuard!

Fall Season details

Starts: 14 October 2024

Ends: 31 December 2024

Submission deadline: 6 December 2024

Squad Wealth Fund balance: 1m+ NYM

Fall Season objectives

  • Bring the noise! It’s simple: use NymVPN, flood the net with real and cover traffic, and be private together (for some NYM rewards, of course)
  • Help and amplify the NymVPN launch
  • Strengthen and optimize the Nym network
  • Build tools and apps for the Nym ecosystem

What’s new this season?

  • Grants: Anyone can now apply for grants, and most NSL grants no longer require Nymja/Shinobi rank.
  • Specific builder grants: You can still propose your own ideas, but starting this season the NSL is also putting out specific calls for builders: operator tooling, reviving NymConnect, and more (see grants below).
  • Buddy system: The NSL can be a lot to take in at first. Seasoned contributors will now help you get started.

A more detailed list of all new NSL terms is available in the NSL Summer Season report.

Key missions

Make sure to check out the full Mission Board for what’s needed this season. But here are some highlights to pay attention to:

Make some noise: Generate mixnet traffic!

There is a value to strength in numbers. In the case of the Nym mixnet, there is anonymity in numbers. The bigger the crowd, the harder tracking anyone will be!

Remember, whenever you send traffic through the mixnet, the NymVPN client also sends “cover” or “dummy” traffic from your device through the network. These packets look exactly like your real traffic, but they are actually empty. Their function? Simply to increase the size of the crowd so tracking efforts are even more difficult to accomplish. This is one of many network privacy strategies that Nym calls added “noise.”

Mission goal: Stay connected to the mixnet the longest through the NymVPN Anonymous Mode to get rewards for all the traffic you generate through the mixnet.


  • Claim up to 50 points daily after submitting your monthly mission report
  • An additional 1000 $NYM will be rewarded monthly to members who stay connected the longest!

Stay tuned for more details on this mission and why it is so important for Nym and NymVPN users.

Referral program

The world needs more heroes! And the bigger the crowd, the better the privacy for everyone.

The NSL counts on community contributors to onboard new Nymsters and grow the Nym community together. Bring your friends, spread the word about NSL at events, and help new joiners become active contributors by showing them around the Squad League to share NYM rewards at the end of the season.

How can you refer someone? It’s simple! If your friend is interested in joining NSL, simply fill out the registration form to generate your unique referral code


There are many grants available, but one is particularly important:

Build with Nym

The NSL welcomes all builders and devs! You are only limited by your imagination when you work with the Nym mixnet.

If you are building a self-sufficient project that can be built without a lot of active support from the Nym Dev team using the mixnet, read through the proposals to register now.

The NSL is particularly interested in devs to work on the following projects:

  • Messaging mini-app: The mixnet enables truly private communications online. Nym is interested in a messaging or file hosting service that integrates with the mixnet to provide instant and secure communications and make the web a much better place for everyone.
  • Operator tooling: The Nym community knows best what tooling would help them most to run, maintain, and monitor their nodes. Building various tools for Nym node operators will be a focus of the Fall Season.
  • Revive NymConnect: Bring back NymConnect with a new UI to support application-specific, SOCKS5-based, and privacy enhancements for wallets and other apps.

And of course, you can use the Nym community forum to share any proposals and receive feedback/assistance from the Nym Developer Relations team.


The Nym community has been a vibrant and exciting place, but it’s just the beginning. There is a lot we can do right now to make sure that the technology and community being built together leads to a common goal: bringing true online privacy to all of humanity.

Ready to take the next step forward? Nym is, as are a dedicated team of NSL members who’ve just been promoted. Congratulations to everyone for helping to make a difference. Now let’s make some noise!

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