Nym Squad League: Season 0 report

Read what the Nym community has achieved this past quarter

3 mins Read

Nym Squad League soft launched in January 2024 with Season 0: Dawn of the Nymja’, which came to a close at the end of March.

The league takes rewards generated from the official Nym Nodes Delegations Program and puts it into a community treasury called the Squad Wealth Fund. Rewards are redeemed and distributed from this treasury to the Nym ecosystem on a quarterly basis for outstanding contributions.

This post provides an overview of what was achieved in Nym Squad League ‘Season 0: Dawn of the Nymja’.

We are looking forward to opening Season 1 to Nymsters very soon, welcoming even more community members to the program!

Dawn of the Nymja summary

There have already been spectacular contributions from Nymjas, Shinobis and their squads all around the world (see the full Season 0 list of missions). Here is how Nym community has contributed to the core objectives to enable privacy:

Objective 1: Grow the number of high performing Nym nodes

How did we do?

Objective 2: NymVPN testing

How did we do?

  • NymVPN workshops to gather invaluable feedback about Nym’s soon-to-be released flagship application
  • 32k sign ups for the NymVPN Alpha
  • 9 NymVPN test workshops in 4 regions
  • 140 new joiners to NymVPN Matrix channels (Welcome! #PrivacyLovesCompany)

Objective 3: Decentralize and localize

How did we do?

  • 6 events events, talk and lectures about the Nym vision and ecosystem in Brazil, Mexico, Ukraine and Bangladesh
  • Transitioned to decentralized moderation and management of 2 regional Nym channels
  • All translations to Portuguese and Spanish have been delivered by the Latin American Squads

Objective 4: Build with Nym

  • A CMS for the Nym Squad League by Pawnflake
  • Squad Wealth Fund build grants help you graduate your project to Nym Innovation Fund!

The photo of the season comes from Brazilian Shinobi squad Tupinymquim’s lecture at ETHSamba’s OnChain week:

Special shout out to the first contributors to receive the NymStars community award. You already know them if you spent any time with the Nym community recently:

  • Rocio Gonzales
  • Unclelem
  • John Smith
  • Raymon

Thank you NymStars for hanging out and never missing events such as AMAs and community calls, asking great questions, being involved in everything and then some, educating the community and, most importantly, for bringing outstanding personality and vibes to the Nym community. You rock!

A full breakdown of the Squad Wealth Fund will follow next week.

In the meantime, remember #PrivacyLovesCompany!

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Advanced privacy built for the age of AI

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