Weekly progress report: Nov. 22 dev update

Magura network update and readying latest release of NymVPN

4 mins Read

Nym’s major network update (Magura) went live last Tuesday, setting the stage for what will become a novel form of Nym tokenomics. With payments live, usage of NymVPN will be linked with NYM buy-orders which in turn will be rewarded to Nym node operators providing privacy protections for users.

After some delays as a result of network instability following the Magura release, the release of the latest NymVPN app is now scheduled for next week.

Below is everything you need to know about these two important releases. Here’s the full timeline for NymVPN finishing out 2024. Don’t forget, this is all in lead up to the two big things:

  • December 2024: Early bird access to the robust NymVPN app with payments!
  • January 2025: The official launch of NymVPN to the world, at a symbolic time when it needs a real paradigm shift in online privacy

Remember, NymVPN Beta is still open and free to use, so sign up today and instantly receive a free 30-day access voucher. Nym needs your testing, testing, testing!

The Nym Network

The Nym network underwent a major update with the release of Magura v2024.13. This release prepares the network for the latest stable release of NymVPN next week as well as the foundational tokenomics for node operators.

What changes with Magura?

  • Operation smoosh is complete: Now all Nym nodes will function as both mix nodes and entry/exit gateways.
  • Rewards distribution: Rewards will be distributed equally across all three layers: entry gateways, mix nodes, and exit gateways.
  • Removing under-performing nodes: Nodes are now required to run the latest Nym binaries and to agree to the node Terms & Conditions committing importantly to no-log’s policies. This will increase the overall performance of the Nym network for clients. Nodes not meeting these conditions will not be eligible to be part of the active set.

Read about all the changes to Nym operator tokenomics here or watch the recent Node Operator Town Hall for more details.

Patch for mainnet instability

While the Magura release worked stably in sandbox, the mainnet release led to some unexpected network instability. The dev team has now worked through the issues and released a Magura patch today which should begin to stabilize connectivity once again.

Huge thanks to the operator community for being active and responsive!

Note for NYM stakers

If you’re staking on Nym nodes, please stay tuned for guidance next week on restaking your tokens following this week’s network changes.

Changes to explorers

The release of Magura means that current explorers will soon be replaced. For the time being, please refer to harbourmaster for node and network information.


NymVPN v2024.11 coming next week

Due to the network issues following the Magura release, the latest stable release of the NymVPN app, originally scheduled for Nov. 21, has been postponed until next week while the dev team implements needed fixes. Nym remains committed to delivering the highest quality technology to our community.

This delay will not affect the next release and launch of payments on 12 December 2024 as promised

What to expect from NymVPN v2024.11

Here are some of the important things to expect from the latest NymVPN release:

  • A streamlined sign-up/sign-in flow
  • Network and connection stability thanks to state machine implementations across apps
  • The launch of the zk-nym credential system ahead of payments in December
  • Security fixes as a result of the July 2024 security audit

Stay tuned for the NymVPN v2024.11 release announcement next week for compatible devices and confirmed changes.

Until next week comrades! Of course, join our channels for more up to date information and live discussion with the core team!

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Experience the world’s most private VPN. Advanced privacy built for the age of AI, starting at $5.49 / month for up to 10 devices. Get NymVPN today and save up to 60%.

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