nym-client Binary Commands (Autogenerated)

These docs are autogenerated by the autodocs (opens in a new tab) script.

Implementation of the Nym Client
Usage: nym-client [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
  init               Initialise a Nym client. Do this first!
  run                Run the Nym client with provided configuration client optionally overriding set parameters
  ecash              Ecash-related functionalities
  list-gateways      List all registered with gateways
  add-gateway        Add new gateway to this client
  switch-gateway     Change the currently active gateway. Note that you must have already registered with the new gateway!
  build-info         Show build information of this binary
  completions        Generate shell completions
  generate-fig-spec  Generate Fig specification
  help               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>  Path pointing to an env file that configures the client
      --no-banner                          Flag used for disabling the printed banner in tty
  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version


Initialise a Nym client. Do this first!
Usage: nym-client init [OPTIONS] --id <ID>
      --id <ID>
          Id of client we want to create config for
      --gateway <GATEWAY>
          Id of the gateway we are going to connect to
          Specifies whether the client will attempt to enforce tls connection to the desired gateway
          Specifies whether the new gateway should be determined based by latency as opposed to being chosen uniformly
      --nym-apis <NYM_APIS>
          Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the API validators
      --disable-socket <DISABLE_SOCKET>
          Whether to not start the websocket [possible values: true, false]
  -p, --port <PORT>
          Port for the socket (if applicable) to listen on in all subsequent runs
      --host <HOST>
          Ip for the socket (if applicable) to listen for requests
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          [default: text] [possible values: text, json]
  -h, --help
          Print help


Run the Nym client with provided configuration client optionally overriding set parameters
Usage: nym-client run [OPTIONS] --id <ID>
      --id <ID>
          Id of client we want to create config for
      --gateway <GATEWAY>
          Id of the gateway we want to connect to. If overridden, it is user's responsibility to ensure prior registration happened
      --nym-apis <NYM_APIS>
          Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the API validators
      --disable-socket <DISABLE_SOCKET>
          Whether to not start the websocket [possible values: true, false]
  -p, --port <PORT>
          Port for the socket to listen on
      --host <HOST>
          Ip for the socket (if applicable) to listen for requests
  -h, --help
          Print help



List all registered with gateways
Usage: nym-client list-gateways [OPTIONS] --id <ID>
      --id <ID>          Id of client we want to list gateways for
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>  [default: text] [possible values: text, json]
  -h, --help             Print help


Change the currently active gateway. Note that you must have already registered with the new gateway!
Usage: nym-client switch-gateway --id <ID> --gateway-id <GATEWAY_ID>
      --id <ID>                  Id of client we want to list gateways for
      --gateway-id <GATEWAY_ID>  Id of the gateway we want to switch to
  -h, --help                     Print help


Show build information of this binary
Usage: nym-client build-info [OPTIONS]
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>  [default: text] [possible values: text, json]
  -h, --help             Print help

Example output:

Binary Name:        nym-client
Build Timestamp:    2024-12-18T17:33:13.184930493Z
Build Version:      1.1.45
Commit SHA:         b628a5f8148f74c646915292c8b6dc0a46202a27
Commit Date:        2024-12-13T11:49:27.000000000+01:00
Commit Branch:      master
rustc Version:      1.84.0-nightly
rustc Channel:      nightly
cargo Profile:      release


Generate shell completions
Usage: nym-client completions <SHELL>
  <SHELL>  [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, power-shell, zsh]
  -h, --help  Print help


Generate Fig specification
Usage: nym-client generate-fig-spec
  -h, --help  Print help

Example output:

const completion: Fig.Spec = {
  name: "nym-native-client",
  description: "Implementation of the Nym Client",
  subcommands: [
      name: "init",
      description: "Initialise a Nym client. Do this first!",
      options: [
          name: "--id",
          description: "Id of client we want to create config for",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "id",
          name: "--gateway",
          description: "Id of the gateway we are going to connect to",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "gateway",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--nyxd-urls",
          description: "Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the nyxd validators",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "nyxd_urls",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--nym-apis",
          description: "Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the API validators",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "nym_apis",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--custom-mixnet",
          description: "Path to .json file containing custom network specification",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "custom_mixnet",
            isOptional: true,
            template: "filepaths",
          name: "--enabled-credentials-mode",
          description: "Set this client to work in a enabled credentials mode that would attempt to use gateway with bandwidth credential requirement",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "enabled_credentials_mode",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: "--stats-reporting-address",
          description: "Sets the address to report statistics",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "stats_reporting_address",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--disable-socket",
          description: "Whether to not start the websocket",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "disable_socket",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: ["-p", "--port"],
          description: "Port for the socket (if applicable) to listen on in all subsequent runs",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "port",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--host",
          description: "Ip for the socket (if applicable) to listen for requests",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "host",
            isOptional: true,
          name: ["-o", "--output"],
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "output",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: "--force-tls-gateway",
          description: "Specifies whether the client will attempt to enforce tls connection to the desired gateway",
          name: "--latency-based-selection",
          description: "Specifies whether the new gateway should be determined based by latency as opposed to being chosen uniformly",
          exclusiveOn: [
          name: "--fastmode",
          description: "Mostly debug-related option to increase default traffic rate so that you would not need to modify config post init",
          name: "--no-cover",
          description: "Disable loop cover traffic and the Poisson rate limiter (for debugging only)",
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "run",
      description: "Run the Nym client with provided configuration client optionally overriding set parameters",
      options: [
          name: "--id",
          description: "Id of client we want to create config for",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "id",
          name: "--gateway",
          description: "Id of the gateway we want to connect to. If overridden, it is user's responsibility to ensure prior registration happened",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "gateway",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--nyxd-urls",
          description: "Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the nyxd validators",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "nyxd_urls",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--nym-apis",
          description: "Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the API validators",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "nym_apis",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--custom-mixnet",
          description: "Path to .json file containing custom network specification",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "custom_mixnet",
            isOptional: true,
            template: "filepaths",
          name: "--enabled-credentials-mode",
          description: "Set this client to work in a enabled credentials mode that would attempt to use gateway with bandwidth credential requirement",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "enabled_credentials_mode",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: "--stats-reporting-address",
          description: "Sets the address to report statistics",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "stats_reporting_address",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--disable-socket",
          description: "Whether to not start the websocket",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "disable_socket",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: ["-p", "--port"],
          description: "Port for the socket to listen on",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "port",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--host",
          description: "Ip for the socket (if applicable) to listen for requests",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "host",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--fastmode",
          description: "Mostly debug-related option to increase default traffic rate so that you would not need to modify config post init",
          name: "--no-cover",
          description: "Disable loop cover traffic and the Poisson rate limiter (for debugging only)",
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "ecash",
      description: "Ecash-related functionalities",
      subcommands: [
          name: "show-ticket-books",
          description: "Display information associated with the imported ticketbooks,",
          options: [
              name: "--id",
              description: "Id of client that is going to display the ticketbook information",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "id",
              name: ["-o", "--output"],
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "output",
                isOptional: true,
                suggestions: [
              name: ["-h", "--help"],
              description: "Print help",
          name: "import-ticket-book",
          description: "Import a pre-generated ticketbook",
          options: [
              name: "--id",
              description: "Id of client that is going to import the credential",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "id",
              name: "--credential-data",
              description: "Explicitly provide the encoded credential data (as base58)",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "credential_data",
                isOptional: true,
              name: "--credential-path",
              description: "Specifies the path to file containing binary credential data",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "credential_path",
                isOptional: true,
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--version",
              hidden: true,
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "version",
                isOptional: true,
              name: "--standalone",
              description: "Specifies whether we're attempting to import a standalone ticketbook (i.e. serialised `IssuedTicketBook`)",
              name: "--full",
              description: "Specifies whether we're attempting to import full ticketboot (i.e. one that **might** contain required global signatures; that is serialised `ImportableTicketBook`)",
              name: ["-h", "--help"],
              description: "Print help",
          name: "import-coin-index-signatures",
          description: "Import coin index signatures needed for ticketbooks",
          options: [
              name: "--id",
              description: "Id of client that is going to import the signatures",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "id",
              name: "--client-config",
              description: "Config file of the client that is supposed to use the signatures",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "client_config",
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--signatures-data",
              description: "Explicitly provide the encoded signatures data (as base58)",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "signatures_data",
                isOptional: true,
              name: "--signatures-path",
              description: "Specifies the path to file containing binary signatures data",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "signatures_path",
                isOptional: true,
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--version",
              hidden: true,
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "version",
                isOptional: true,
              name: ["-h", "--help"],
              description: "Print help",
          name: "import-expiration-date-signatures",
          description: "Import expiration date signatures needed for ticketbooks",
          options: [
              name: "--id",
              description: "Id of client that is going to import the signatures",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "id",
              name: "--client-config",
              description: "Config file of the client that is supposed to use the signatures",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "client_config",
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--signatures-data",
              description: "Explicitly provide the encoded signatures data (as base58)",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "signatures_data",
                isOptional: true,
              name: "--signatures-path",
              description: "Specifies the path to file containing binary signatures data",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "signatures_path",
                isOptional: true,
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--version",
              hidden: true,
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "version",
                isOptional: true,
              name: ["-h", "--help"],
              description: "Print help",
          name: "import-master-verification-key",
          description: "Import master verification key needed for ticketbooks",
          options: [
              name: "--id",
              description: "Id of client that is going to import the key",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "id",
              name: "--client-config",
              description: "Config file of the client that is supposed to use the key",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "client_config",
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--key-data",
              description: "Explicitly provide the encoded key data (as base58)",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "key_data",
                isOptional: true,
              name: "--key-path",
              description: "Specifies the path to file containing binary key data",
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "key_path",
                isOptional: true,
                template: "filepaths",
              name: "--version",
              hidden: true,
              isRepeatable: true,
              args: {
                name: "version",
                isOptional: true,
              name: ["-h", "--help"],
              description: "Print help",
          name: "help",
          description: "Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)",
          subcommands: [
              name: "show-ticket-books",
              description: "Display information associated with the imported ticketbooks,",
              name: "import-ticket-book",
              description: "Import a pre-generated ticketbook",
              name: "import-coin-index-signatures",
              description: "Import coin index signatures needed for ticketbooks",
              name: "import-expiration-date-signatures",
              description: "Import expiration date signatures needed for ticketbooks",
              name: "import-master-verification-key",
              description: "Import master verification key needed for ticketbooks",
              name: "help",
              description: "Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)",
      options: [
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "list-gateways",
      description: "List all registered with gateways",
      options: [
          name: "--id",
          description: "Id of client we want to list gateways for",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "id",
          name: ["-o", "--output"],
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "output",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "add-gateway",
      description: "Add new gateway to this client",
      options: [
          name: "--id",
          description: "Id of client we want to add gateway for",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "id",
          name: "--gateway-id",
          description: "Explicitly specify id of the gateway to register with. If unspecified, a random gateway will be chosen instead",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "gateway_id",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--nym-apis",
          description: "Comma separated list of rest endpoints of the API validators",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "nym_apis",
            isOptional: true,
          name: "--custom-mixnet",
          description: "Path to .json file containing custom network specification",
          hidden: true,
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "custom_mixnet",
            isOptional: true,
            template: "filepaths",
          name: ["-o", "--output"],
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "output",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: "--force-tls-gateway",
          description: "Specifies whether the client will attempt to enforce tls connection to the desired gateway",
          name: "--latency-based-selection",
          description: "Specifies whether the new gateway should be determined based by latency as opposed to being chosen uniformly",
          exclusiveOn: [
          name: "--set-active",
          description: "Specify whether this new gateway should be set as the active one",
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "switch-gateway",
      description: "Change the currently active gateway. Note that you must have already registered with the new gateway!",
      options: [
          name: "--id",
          description: "Id of client we want to list gateways for",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "id",
          name: "--gateway-id",
          description: "Id of the gateway we want to switch to",
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "gateway_id",
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "build-info",
      description: "Show build information of this binary",
      options: [
          name: ["-o", "--output"],
          isRepeatable: true,
          args: {
            name: "output",
            isOptional: true,
            suggestions: [
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "completions",
      description: "Generate shell completions",
      options: [
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      args: {
        name: "shell",
        suggestions: [
      name: "generate-fig-spec",
      description: "Generate Fig specification",
      options: [
          name: ["-h", "--help"],
          description: "Print help",
      name: "help",
      description: "Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)",
      subcommands: [
          name: "init",
          description: "Initialise a Nym client. Do this first!",
          name: "run",
          description: "Run the Nym client with provided configuration client optionally overriding set parameters",
          name: "ecash",
          description: "Ecash-related functionalities",
          subcommands: [
              name: "show-ticket-books",
              description: "Display information associated with the imported ticketbooks,",
              name: "import-ticket-book",
              description: "Import a pre-generated ticketbook",
              name: "import-coin-index-signatures",
              description: "Import coin index signatures needed for ticketbooks",
              name: "import-expiration-date-signatures",
              description: "Import expiration date signatures needed for ticketbooks",
              name: "import-master-verification-key",
              description: "Import master verification key needed for ticketbooks",
          name: "list-gateways",
          description: "List all registered with gateways",
          name: "add-gateway",
          description: "Add new gateway to this client",
          name: "switch-gateway",
          description: "Change the currently active gateway. Note that you must have already registered with the new gateway!",
          name: "build-info",
          description: "Show build information of this binary",
          name: "completions",
          description: "Generate shell completions",
          name: "generate-fig-spec",
          description: "Generate Fig specification",
          name: "help",
          description: "Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)",
  options: [
      name: ["-c", "--config-env-file"],
      description: "Path pointing to an env file that configures the client",
      isRepeatable: true,
      args: {
        name: "config_env_file",
        isOptional: true,
        template: "filepaths",
      name: "--no-banner",
      description: "Flag used for disabling the printed banner in tty",
      name: ["-h", "--help"],
      description: "Print help",
      name: ["-V", "--version"],
      description: "Print version",
export default completion;