

This is a short guide to setting up and using the nym-vpnc tool, which is used in conjunction with the nym-vpnd daemon.


These binaries have superceded the older nym-vpn-cli binary. This still operates for the moment as it is being used in testing scenarios but will go out of date quickly.

Download and run instructions for the GUIs can be found here (opens in a new tab).

Download & Extract Binary

Check the release page (opens in a new tab) page for the latest release version and modify the instructions accordingly. These instructions use the latest as of the time of writing.

wget -q<YOUR_OPERATING_SYSTEM>.tar.gz &&
tar -xzf nym-vpn-core-v1.1.0-beta.3_<YOUR_OPERATING_SYSTEM>.tar.gz &&
cd nym-vpn-core-v1.1.0-beta.3_<YOUR_OPERATING_SYSTEM>/ &&
chmod u+x *

Build from Source


All operating systems require both Rust (opens in a new tab) and Go (opens in a new tab).

Arch specific packages:

yay -S gcc make protobuf base-devel clang

Ubuntu24 specific packages:

apt install gcc make protobuf-compiler pkconfig libdbus-1-dev build-essential clang

Older Debian/Ubuntu versions need to manually install protobuf-compiler >= v3.21.12

Clone & make

git clone
cd nym-vpn-client/

Mnemonic Generation

Head to the mnemonic generator at (opens in a new tab) and obtain a mnemonic.

Start the daemon

sudo ./PATH/TO/nym-vpnd

If you are running for the first time you will see the following:

2024-12-11T11:03:58.202159Z  INFO nym_vpnd::environment: Setting up environment by discovering the network: mainnet
2024-12-11T11:03:58.202205Z  INFO nym_vpn_network_config::discovery: No discovery file found, writing default discovery file
2024-12-11T11:03:59.905505Z  INFO nym_vpnd::command_interface::start: Starting command interface
2024-12-11T11:03:59.905660Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Starting VPN service
2024-12-11T11:03:59.905879Z  INFO nym_vpnd::command_interface::start: Starting socket listener on: /var/run/nym-vpn.sock
2024-12-11T11:03:59.906227Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Starting account controller
2024-12-11T11:03:59.906285Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Account controller: data directory: "/var/lib/nym-vpnd/mainnet"
2024-12-11T11:03:59.906313Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Account controller: credential mode: false
2024-12-11T11:03:59.913215Z  INFO nym_vpnd::command_interface::listener: Removed previous command interface socket: "/var/run/nym-vpn.sock"
2024-12-11T11:03:59.977206Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: VPN service initialized successfully
2024-12-11T11:03:59.979246Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Account id: (unset)
2024-12-11T11:03:59.979265Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Device id: BZWA5MRnEvRYD8WWrH9KULdj2Q1uTssu6idjgWFae9dv
2024-12-11T11:03:59.979762Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::storage: Ticketbooks stored: 0
2024-12-11T11:03:59.982125Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Received command: UpdateAccountState
2024-12-11T11:03:59.982181Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::shared_state: Setting mnemonic state to NotStored
2024-12-11T11:03:59.982200Z  WARN nym_vpn_account_controller::commands: Returning error: NoAccountStored
2024-12-11T11:03:59.982218Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Received command: UpdateDeviceState
2024-12-11T11:03:59.982230Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::shared_state: Setting mnemonic state to NotStored
2024-12-11T11:03:59.982240Z  WARN nym_vpn_account_controller::commands: Returning error: NoAccountStored

Ignore the NoAccountStored errors: these will disappear after the next step. Leave the daemon running and run the following commands in another terminal window or create an init file for nym-vpnd.


We have to first store the account we have created online:

./PATH/TO/nym-vpnc store-account --mnemonic "<MNEMONIC_FROM_GENERATION_STEP>"

You will see this registration in the daemon logs:

2024-12-11T11:04:31.918455Z  INFO grpc_vpnd:  StoreAccount ()
2024-12-11T11:04:31.919296Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Storing account
2024-12-11T11:04:31.919531Z  INFO nym_vpn_store::mnemonic::on_disk: Storing mnemonic to: /var/lib/nym-vpnd/mainnet/mnemonic.json
2024-12-11T11:04:31.920327Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Received command: UpdateAccountState
2024-12-11T11:04:31.950720Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::shared_state: Setting mnemonic state to Stored { id: "n1nghj6qnmfww22tq6wyntnf709lr90qjem0uezz" }
2024-12-11T11:04:34.616249Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::shared_state: Setting account to Registered
2024-12-11T11:04:34.616363Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::shared_state: Setting account summary to AccountSummary { account: Active, subscription: Active, device_summary: DeviceSummary { active: 0, max: 10, remaining: 10 }, fair_usage: FairUsage { used_gb: None, limit_gb: None, resets_on_utc: Some("2025-01-09 15:43:37.223Z") } }
2024-12-11T11:04:34.981875Z  INFO nym_vpn_account_controller::controller: Received command: RegisterDevice
2024-12-11T11:04:35.008575Z  INFO register_device: nym_vpn_account_controller::shared_state: Setting device registration result to InProgress id=09876a3a
2024-12-11T11:04:35.008611Z  INFO register_device: nym_vpn_account_controller::commands::register_device: Registering device: Device { identity_key: BZWA5MRnEvRYD8WWrH9KULdj2Q1uTssu6idjgWFae9dv } id=09876a3a
2024-12-11T11:04:36.765850Z  INFO register_device: nym_vpn_account_controller::commands::register_device: Response: NymVpnDevice {
    created_on_utc: "2024-12-11 11:04:36.432Z",
    last_updated_utc: "2024-12-11 11:04:36.432Z",
    device_identity_key: "BZWA5MRnEvRYD8WWrH9KULdj2Q1uTssu6idjgWFae9dv",
    status: Active,
} id=09876a3a
2024-12-11T11:04:36.765998Z  INFO register_device: nym_vpn_account_controller::commands::register_device: Device registered: BZWA5MRnEvRYD8WWrH9KULdj2Q1uTssu6idjgWFae9dv id=09876a3a

You can then connect nym-vpnc (in this case, with 2 hop wireguard mode enabled):

./PATH/TO/nym-vpnc connect --enable-two-hop

Which shows as such in the daemon logs:

2024-12-11T11:05:25.727784Z  INFO grpc_vpnd:  VpnConnect ()
2024-12-11T11:05:25.728107Z  INFO grpc_vpnd: nym_vpnd::command_interface::listener: Got connect request: Request { metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"te": "trailers", "content-type": "application/grpc", "user-agent": "tonic/0.11.0"} }, message: ConnectRequest { entry: None, exit: None, dns: None, disable_routing: false, enable_two_hop: true, netstack: false, disable_poisson_rate: false, disable_background_cover_traffic: false, enable_credentials_mode: false, user_agent: Some(UserAgent { application: "nym-vpnc", version: "1.1.0-beta.3 (1.1.0-beta.3)", platform: "Manjaro Linux; Linux 24.2.0 Manjaro Linux; x86_64", git_commit: "59c0714f1dac1a2d8bf77f3d2705a5c9bb57a5be (59c0714f1dac1a2d8bf77f3d2705a5c9bb57a5be)" }), min_mixnode_performance: None, min_gateway_mixnet_performance: None, min_gateway_vpn_performance: None }, extensions: Extensions }
2024-12-11T11:05:25.728225Z  INFO grpc_vpnd: nym_vpnd::command_interface::connection_handler: Starting VPN
2024-12-11T11:05:25.728430Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Using entry point: None
2024-12-11T11:05:25.728450Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Using exit point: None
2024-12-11T11:05:25.728468Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Using options: ConnectOptions { dns: None, disable_routing: false, enable_two_hop: true, netstack: false, disable_poisson_rate: false, disable_background_cover_traffic: true, enable_credentials_mode: false, min_mixnode_performance: None, min_gateway_mixnet_performance: None, min_gateway_vpn_performance: None }
2024-12-11T11:05:25.729112Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::config: Config file updated at "/etc/nym/mainnet/nym-vpnd.toml"
2024-12-11T11:05:25.729161Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Using config: entry point: Random, exit point: Random
2024-12-11T11:05:25.729611Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Tunnel event: Connecting
2024-12-11T11:05:25.730108Z  INFO nym_gateway_directory::gateway_client: Fetching gateways from nym-vpn-api...
2024-12-11T11:05:26.387699Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel::gateway_selector: Found 113 entry gateways
2024-12-11T11:05:26.387744Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel::gateway_selector: Found 113 exit gateways
2024-12-11T11:05:26.387752Z  INFO nym_gateway_directory::entries::exit_point: Selecting a random exit gateway
2024-12-11T11:05:26.387794Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel::gateway_selector: Using entry gateway: CcYinhLeFU8n6xs78FG6Rz3wvosGTCU2hLB1CZyfkMVe, location: IN, performance: 96%
2024-12-11T11:05:26.387814Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel::gateway_se
lector: Using exit gateway: Atcji22Wnfwi6nEkGC5BmgbqNPLYdhx5r4NxTqXAzFeq, location: GB, performance: 99%
2024-12-11T11:05:26.387852Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel::gateway_selector: Using exit router address 3MJSnmUeH54a7DJ8C4C8oZPkCjtENSfwcMLJ39zUk9Ys.59h9HKGTM4MPXVJRDfaJYFg1aoAdeBGjLHMFxQ6fBsfF@Atcji22Wnfwi6nEkGC5BmgbqNPLYdhx5r4NxTqXAzFeq
2024-12-11T11:05:26.388144Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet::connect: mixnet client poisson rate limiting: disabled
2024-12-11T11:05:26.388154Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet::connect: mixnet client background loop cover traffic stream: disabled
2024-12-11T11:05:26.388158Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet::connect: mixnet client minimum mixnode performance: 50
2024-12-11T11:05:26.388163Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet::connect: mixnet client minimum gateway performance: 50
2024-12-11T11:05:26.388434Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client::non_wasm_helpers: loading existing surb database
2024-12-11T11:05:26.391135Z  INFO nym_client_core_surb_storage::backend::fs_backend::manager: Database migration finished!
2024-12-11T11:05:26.503966Z  INFO nym_client_core::init::helpers: nym-api reports 195 valid gateways
2024-12-11T11:05:27.888231Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting nym client
2024-12-11T11:05:27.894924Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting statistics control...
2024-12-11T11:05:27.895105Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Obtaining initial network topology
2024-12-11T11:05:28.047235Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting topology refresher...
2024-12-11T11:05:29.024114Z  INFO perform_initial_authentication: nym_gateway_client::bandwidth: remaining bandwidth: 0.00 B gateway=CcYinhLeFU8n6xs78FG6Rz3wvosGTCU2hLB1CZyfkMVe gateway_address=wss://
2024-12-11T11:05:29.024375Z  INFO nym_gateway_client::client: Claiming more bandwidth with existing credentials. Stop the process now if you don't want that to happen.
2024-12-11T11:05:29.024413Z  WARN nym_gateway_client::client: Not enough bandwidth. Trying to get more bandwidth, this might take a while
2024-12-11T11:05:29.024430Z  INFO nym_gateway_client::client: The client is running in disabled credentials mode - attempting to claim bandwidth without a credential
2024-12-11T11:05:29.171514Z  INFO nym_gateway_client::client: managed to claim testnet bandwidth
2024-12-11T11:05:29.175555Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting received messages buffer controller...
2024-12-11T11:05:29.175648Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting mix traffic controller...
2024-12-11T11:05:29.175698Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting real traffic stream...
2024-12-11T11:05:29.176182Z  INFO nym_task::manager: Starting status message listener
2024-12-11T11:05:29.189388Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::bandwidth_controller: Registering with wireguard gateway
2024-12-11T11:05:29.189449Z  INFO nym_gateway_directory::gateway_client: Fetching gateway ip from nym-vpn-api...
2024-12-11T11:05:32.373749Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::bandwidth_controller: Registering with wireguard gateway
2024-12-11T11:05:32.373860Z  INFO nym_gateway_directory::gateway_client: Fetching gateway ip from nym-vpn-api...
2024-12-11T11:05:36.675679Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel_monitor: Created entry tun device: tun0
2024-12-11T11:05:36.679774Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::tunnel_state_machine::tunnel_monitor: Created exit tun device: tun1
2024-12-11T11:05:36.681435Z  INFO nym_dns: Setting DNS servers: Tunnel DNS: {,, 2606:4700:4700::1111, 2606:4700:4700::1001} Non-tunnel DNS: {}
2024-12-11T11:05:36.690464Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Tunnel event: Connecting WireGuard tunnel with entry and exit
2024-12-11T11:05:36.690577Z  INFO nym_vpnd::service::vpn_service: Tunnel event: Connected WireGuard tunnel with entry and exit
2024-12-11T11:05:37.734615Z  INFO nym_wg_gateway_client: Remaining wireguard bandwidth with gateway CcYinhLeFU8n6xs78FG6Rz3wvosGTCU2hLB1CZyfkMVe for today: 256000.00 MB
2024-12-11T11:05:39.240143Z  INFO nym_wg_gateway_client: Remaining wireguard bandwidth with gateway Atcji22Wnfwi6nEkGC5BmgbqNPLYdhx5r4NxTqXAzFeq for today: 256000.00 MB

You should see the Remaining wireguard bandwidth decrease as you use your allowance.

There are a lot of configuration options available to you regarding how to connect:

 ./PATH/TO/nym-vpnc connect --help
Connect to the Nym network
Usage: nym-vpnc connect [OPTIONS]
      --entry-gateway-id <ENTRY_GATEWAY_ID>
          Mixnet public ID of the entry gateway
      --entry-gateway-country <ENTRY_GATEWAY_COUNTRY>
          Auto-select entry gateway by country ISO
          Auto-select entry gateway by latency
          Auto-select entry gateway randomly
      --exit-router-address <EXIT_ROUTER_ADDRESS>
          Mixnet recipient address
      --exit-gateway-id <EXIT_GATEWAY_ID>
          Mixnet public ID of the exit gateway
      --exit-gateway-country <EXIT_GATEWAY_COUNTRY>
          Auto-select exit gateway by country ISO
          Auto-select exit gateway randomly
      --dns <DNS>
          Set the IP address of the DNS server to use
          Disable routing all traffic through the nym TUN device. When the flag is set,
          the nym TUN device will be created, but to route traffic through it you will
          need to do it manually, e.g. ping -Itun0
          Enable two-hop wireguard traffic. This means that traffic jumps directly from
          entry gateway to exit gateway using Wireguard protocol
  -w, --wait-until-connected
          Blocks until the connection is established or failed
          Use netstack based implementation for two-hop wireguard
          Enable credentials mode
      --min-gateway-mixnet-performance <MIN_GATEWAY_MIXNET_PERFORMANCE>
          An integer between 0 and 100 representing the minimum gateway performance
          required to consider a gateway for routing traffic
      --min-gateway-vpn-performance <MIN_GATEWAY_VPN_PERFORMANCE>
          An integer between 0 and 100 representing the minimum gateway performance
          required to consider a gateway for routing traffic
  -h, --help
          Print help

Command Reference

 ./PATH/TO/nym-vpnc --help
NymVPN commandline client
Usage: nym-vpnc [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
  connect               Connect to the Nym network
  disconnect            Disconnect from the Nym network
  status                Get the current status of the connection
  info                  Get info about the current client. Things like version and
                        network details
  set-network           Set the network to be used. This requires a restart of the
                        daemon (`nym-vpnd`)
  store-account         Store the account recovery phrase
  is-account-stored     Check if the account is stored
  forget-account        Forget the stored account. This removes the stores recovery
                        phrase, device and mixnet keys, stored local credentials, etc
  get-account-id        Get the account ID
  get-account-state     Get the current account state
  get-account-links     Get URLs for managing your nym-vpn account
  get-device-id         Get the device ID
  list-entry-gateways   List the set of entry gateways for mixnet mode
  list-exit-gateways    List the set of exit gateways for mixnet mode
  list-vpn-gateways     List the set of entry and exit gateways for dVPN mode
  list-entry-countries  List the set of countries with available entry gateways for
                        mixnet mode
  list-exit-countries   List the set of countries with available exit gateways for
                        mixnet mode
  list-vpn-countries    List the set of countries with available entry and exit
                        gateways for dVPN mode
  help                  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --http     Use HTTP instead of socket file for IPC with the daemon
  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
 ./PATH/TO/nym-vpnd --help
NymVPN daemon
Usage: nym-vpnd [OPTIONS]
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Path pointing to an env file describing the network
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

Default Config Directories

Configurations are stored in /etc/nym. State stored between runs (keys, mnemonic, etc) are stored in /var/lib/nym-vpnd.