Cosmos Kit
The Typescript SDK is currently undergoing maintenance: a network upgrade elsewhere has temporarily caused a problem. These docs are likely to change after we upgrade the SDK.
The wonderful people of Cosmology have made some fantastic components (opens in a new tab) that can be used with Nym. These include:
- Using the wallets such as Keplr, Cosmostation and others from your React application;
- Using the Ledger hardware wallet (opens in a new tab) from your browser;
- Any wallet that supports Wallet Connect v2.0 (opens in a new tab);
Environment Setup
Begin by creating a directory and configuring your application environment:
npm create vite@latest
During the environment setup, choose React and subsequently opt for Typescript if you want your application to function smoothly following this tutorial. Next, navigate to your application directory and run the following commands:
cd < YOUR_APP >
npm i
npm run dev
Install the required package:
npm install @cosmos-kit/react @cosmos-kit/keplr @cosmos-kit/ledger chain-registry
You need to polyfill some nodejs modules in order to use keplr and ledger wallets by modifying your vite.config.js
npm install @esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import { NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin } from '@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
optimizeDeps: {
esbuildOptions: {
define: {
global: 'globalThis'
plugins: [
buffer: true
Your components have to be wrapped into a ChainProvider (opens in a new tab),
in order to use the useChain('nyx')
hook. The nyx chain is provided in the 'chain-registry' NPM package by default.
Now, go to the src
folder and open your App.tsx
file to replace all the code with the following, which will allow you to connect and disconnect a Ledger or Keplr wallet to Nyx:
import "./App.css";
import React from 'react';
import { ChainProvider, useChain } from '@cosmos-kit/react';
import { assets, chains } from 'chain-registry';
import { wallets as ledger } from '@cosmos-kit/ledger';
import { wallets as keplr } from '@cosmos-kit/keplr';
import { AminoMsg, makeSignDoc } from '@cosmjs/amino';
import { MsgSend } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx';
export const getDoc = (address: string) => {
const chainId = 'nyx';
const msg: AminoMsg = {
type: '/',
value: MsgSend.fromPartial({
fromAddress: address,
toAddress: 'n1nn8tghp94n8utsgyg3kfttlxm0exgjrsqkuwu9',
amount: [{ amount: '1000', denom: 'unym' }],
const fee = {
amount: [{ amount: '2000', denom: 'ucosm' }],
gas: '180000', // 180k
const memo = 'Use your power wisely';
const accountNumber = 15;
const sequence = 16;
const doc = makeSignDoc([msg], fee, chainId, memo, accountNumber, sequence);
return doc
function MyComponent() {
const {wallet, address, connect, disconnect, getOfflineSignerAmino } =
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const sign = async () => {
if (!address) return
const doc = getDoc(address);
return getOfflineSignerAmino().signAmino(address, doc);
return (
{wallet &&
<div>Connected to {wallet?.prettyName} </div>
<div>Address: <code>{address}</code></div>
{wallet ? (
<button onClick={() => disconnect()}>Disconnect wallet</button>
) : (
<button onClick={() => connect()}>Connect wallet</button>
export default function App() {
const assetsFixedUp = React.useMemo(() => {
const nyx = assets.find((a) => a.chain_name === 'nyx');
if (nyx) {
const nyxCoin = nyx.assets.find((a) => === 'nyx');
if (nyxCoin) {
nyxCoin.coingecko_id = 'nyx';
nyx.assets = nyx.assets.reverse();
return assets;
}, [assets]);
return (
chains={[chains.find((c) => c.chain_id === 'nyx')!]}
wallets={[...ledger, ...keplr]}
preferredSignType: () => 'amino',