Legal Counsel

Community Counsel: General Legal Considerations

This page contains some tips & tricks to support operators running Exit Gateway (nym-node in mode exit-gateway) gathered by the operators community. Have a look on the points below to strengthen your legal protection.


Our documentation often refer to syntax annotated in <> brackets. We use this expression for variables that are unique to each user (like path, local moniker, versions etcetra). Any syntax in <> brackets needs to be substituted with your correct name or version, without the <> brackets. If you are unsure, please check our table of essential parameters and variables (opens in a new tab).

Useful Suggestions

Introduce Nym Node to your provider

Write a message to your provider telling them about your intention to run a nym-node on their infrastructure. You can use this template for it.


I am reaching out to introduce myself! I am about to spin up a machine with you to run what is called a “nym node” - think of it as somewhat similar to a Tor exit node. 

You can always recognize a nym node by our domain names: nym-exit

Nym node runners are a decentralized community all over the world. We provide secure internet traffic routing services to ordinary people and businesses via the Nym platform and NymVPN app. 

The Nym platform implements strict encryption and security standards, which also means I simply relay traffic and do not know the end-destination nor its content. 

The Nym traffic pattern is somewhat unique, as we route traffic using the “sphinx” packet format (again, think onion routing), which makes all traffic look uniform. I’d like to ensure this unique traffic pattern doesn’t raise any flags or issues with you! See https://nym.com/ for more details. 

Feel free to ask any questions. 

Many thanks, 


Join Operators Legal Forum

This Matrix channel (opens in a new tab) is the best place to ask questions and share your experience with others. You can share screen prints of abuse reports and ask for support.

Join Operators Legal Clinic

Do you have any questions directed for lawyers? Come and chat with Nym COO Alexis Roussel, every Wednesday 14:30 UTC for 60min in our Operator Legal Forum channel on Matrix (opens in a new tab).

Use a friendly provider

Nym operators community shares their experience with different ISPs on this page. At the same time, consider to move away from these provides:

  • Servinga / VPS2day (AS39378)
  • Frantech / Ponynet / BuyVM (AS53667)
  • OVH SAS / OVHcloud (AS16276)
  • Online S.A.S. / Scaleway (AS12876)
  • Hetzner Online GmbH (AS24940)
  • IONOS SE (AS8560)
  • Psychz Networks (AS40676)
  • 1337 Services GmbH / RDP.sh (AS210558)

Backup your nodes

Your only way to restore your node is when you have an access to .nym directory locally. Follow node and proxy configuration backup guides to be able to restore your node on another machine later on, without losing your delegation.

Use nym-exit prefix on your landing page URL

We would like to ask operators to use reverse proxy with a landing page. When assigning a domain please use a common convention with nym-exit in the beginning of the the page URL as this will create a reputation and reference. The entire address should have this new format:


For example:

# for squads running multiple nodes a format can look like this:

# or like this

# for operators having one node per location, the format can look like this:

# or if operators decide to not have any custom, they can simply have this format:

The NYM-EXIT part in the beginning is what's important.

Chose the right TLD

When registering a domain, check Top Level Domain (TLD) (opens in a new tab) terms and conditions. For example .icu is a no go. Having a wrong TLD may lead to your domain being taken away from you when facing a DMCA report.

Respond to abuse reports

Make sure to read notifications from your account provider and if you receive an abuse report, respond to it in time. Here is a template explaining the essential legal background of Nym Node Exit Gateway. Don't forget to adjust the variables.

Dear <ISP>:

Thank you for forwarding me the notice you received from <COPYRIGHT_CLAIMANT> regarding <CONTENT>. I would like to assure you that I am not hosting the claimed infringing materials, and I believe that the notice is likely based upon misunderstandings about the law and about some of the software I run.  I believe that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's ("DMCA") safe harbor provisions likely protect you from liability arising from this complaint. 

As you know, the DMCA creates four "safe harbors" for service providers (such as ISPs) to protect them from copyright liability for the acts of their users, when the service provider fulfill certain requirements. (See 17 U.S.C. 512).  The requirements to meet the DMCA safe harbor provisions vary depending on the type of safe harbor claimed. 

You may be familiar with the "notice and takedown" requirements of section 512(c) of the DMCA, which require a service provider respond to expeditiously to remove, or disable access to, the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity.  However, we believe that the more appropriate safe harbor provision is under section 512(a), which applies when the service provider merely acts as a conduit. In such case, there are different and less burdensome eligibility requirements, as the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held in RIAA v. Verizon (see https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=15815830240179540527) and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed in RIAA v. Charter (see https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=11547531128234336420).

Under DMCA 512(a), service providers like you are typically protected from damages for copyright infringement claims if you also maintain "a policy that provides for termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers and account holders of the service provider's system or network who are repeat infringers." If you have and implement such a policy, and you otherwise qualify for the safe harbor, you should be free from fear of copyright damages.

In this case, the copyright notice you received was likely triggered by a program I run called Nym. Nym is a network software that helps users to enhance their privacy, security, and safety online.

The program does not host any content. Rather, it is part of a network of nodes on the Internet that simply pass packets among themselves before sending them to their destinations, just as any Internet intermediary does. The difference is that Nym tunnels the connections such that no intermediary can learn both the source and destination of the packets, giving users protection from nefarious snooping on network traffic. The result is that, unlike most other Internet traffic, the final IP address that the recipient receives is not the IP address of the sender. Nym protects users against hazards such as harassment, spam, and identity theft. 

Nym aims to improve on technology developed by Panoramix by building a decentralized authentication and payment protocol. It will enable developers to build their own sustainable privacy-enhanced services. Panoramix is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 programme with the goal of protecting communication privacy by building a comprehensive mixnet infrastructure. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No 653497, "Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets (Panoramix)” (For more on Nym, see https://www.nym.com/, For more on Panoramix, see https://panoramix.me/ .) I hope, as an organization committed to protecting the privacy of its customers, you'll agree that this is a valuable technology.

While the Nym node that I run may appear to be the source of material that is alleged to be infringing, I do not host that material. I do not select the material transmitted through the Nym node that I run, and I have no practical means of either identifying the source of such material or preventing its transmission. In addition, I do nothing to encourage or promote the use of the Nym network for copyright infringement or other prohibited activities. For these reasons, I am not an infringer of copyright in any materials that are transmitted through the Nym node that I run, either directly or under a theory of contributory or vicarious liability. In addition, as you are just acting as a conduit, you should continue to be protected under the DMCA 512(a) safe harbor provision without taking any further action.

Thank you for working with me on this matter. As a loyal subscriber, I appreciate your notifying me of this issue and hope that the protections of DMCA 512 put any concerns you may have to rest. If not, please contact me with any further questions.

Very truly yours,

Your customer, <YOUR_NAME/PSEUDONYM>

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