Manual Node Upgrade

Manual Node Upgrade

This page explains how to upgrade nym-node or validator to the latest version in a few steps. If you prefer to automate the process, try to setup your flow with Nymvisor.


Our documentation often refer to syntax annotated in <> brackets. We use this expression for variables that are unique to each user (like path, local moniker, versions etcetra). Any syntax in <> brackets needs to be substituted with your correct name or version, without the <> brackets. If you are unsure, please check our table of essential parameters and variables (opens in a new tab).

Nym node Upgrade

Since v2024.13-magura (nym-node v1.1.10), operators NO longer update node information in the Mixnet smart contract (wallet version information), only upgrade node binary (on VPS), resulting in ~/.nym/nym-nodes/<ID>/config/config.toml update.

Below are detailed steps how to do it:

1. Upgrade nym-node binary
  • Pause your node process.

    • If you run your node as systemd service (recommended), run: service nym-node stop
    • Otherwise open the terminal window with your node logs and press once ctrl + c and wait for the node to terminate gracefully
  • Replace the existing nym-node binary with the newest binary (which you can either compile yourself or download.

  • To verify node version, run ./nym-node --version

2. Restart the node
  • Re-run with the same values as you use to run your nym-node. If you want keep changes in your config file, use flag -w (--write-changes), This will just update the config file, it will not overwrite existing keys.

  • If you automated your node with systemd (recommended), make sure you have all needed flags in ExecStart line of the service config file, and run:

systemctl daemon-reload
service nym-node start
  • If you want to monitor the logs of your nym-node.service, run:
journalctl -f -u nym-node.service
3. Check if your node is reporting the version correctly

After changes coming along with v2024.13-magura (nym-node v1.1.10), Nym Explorer is no longer picking all values correctly. Instead of fixing this outdated explorer, we are working on a new one, coming out soon.

Nym Harbourmaster (opens in a new tab) has cache of 90min, expect your values to be updated with delay. We are aware of some issues with Nym Harbourmaster and working hard to resolve them in the upcoming explorer v2. To check your routing values in real time, you can use nym-gateway-probe.

Validator Upgrade

Upgrading from v0.31.1 -> v0.32.0 process is fairly simple. Grab the v0.32.0 release tarball from the nyxd releases page (opens in a new tab), and untar it. Inside are two files:

  • The new validator (nyxd) v0.32.0
  • The new wasmvm (it depends on your platform, but most common filename is libwasmvm.x86_64.so)

Wait for the upgrade height to be reached and the chain to halt awaiting upgrade, then:

  • Coopy libwasmvm.x86_64.so to the default LD_LIBRARY_PATH on your system (on Ubuntu 20.04 this is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/) replacing your existing file with the same name.
  • Swap in your new nyxd binary and restart.

You can also use something like Cosmovisor (opens in a new tab) - grab the relevant information from the current upgrade proposal here (opens in a new tab).


Cosmovisor will swap the nyxd binary, but you'll need to already have the libwasmvm.x86_64.so in place.

Common Reasons Validator Being Jailed

The most common reason for your validator being jailed is that it runs out of memory because of bloated syslogs.

Running the command df -H will return the size of the various partitions of your VPS.

If the /dev/sda partition is almost full, try pruning some of the .gz syslog archives and restart your validator process.